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  • Company Strellson in Salzburg
    22.03.2025 Updated on: 22.03.2025

    Become fan of your job.Yes it is EXCITING - to work with us. We are people with Emotion and passion who strive for eXcellent results, driven by suCcess and Independent thinking, intrinsically motivated. We work successfully in a Team, always looking for Innovative ideas in order to satisfy our coNsumers at the highest level, and we are not afraid also to show a healthy dose of Guts in our daily work. This is what we and our three successful brands JOOP!, Strellson and windsor. stand for.Für unser neues Strellson Outlet in Salzburg suchen wir Talente, die die Zukunft der HOLY FASHION GROUP aktiv mitgestalten. Bewerben Sie sich jetzt als 1 Fashion Consultant / Verkäufer_in in Voll- oder Teilzeit Strellson Outlet Salzburg Im Rahmen Ihrer abwechslungsreichen Tätigkeit verkaufen Sie unsere hoch...

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